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Friday, May 8, 2009

Halo 3: Mythic Brawl
Mythic Brawl is part of the Double EXP Weekend playlist, which means that you get double the exp that you would normally obtain. It's a Free-for-all match, allowing up to twelve players to be matched against each other on the Mythic map packs. The Mythic Map Pack is required to participate in this playlist.

This playlist is ranked, so it is an easy method of obtaining any leftover Ranked FFA Halo 3 Achievements, such as the Overkill. Due to the relative number of players compared to the normal Lone Wolves playlist, it makes many Achievements easier to obtain.


- Assembly
- Avalanche
- Ghost Town
- Rat's Nest
- Orbital
- Sandbox
- Sandtrap (FFA Variant)
- Standoff

Game Types

Brawl Slayer - 25 kills to win. Battle Rifle starts with Assault Rifle secondary. 12 minute match time limit.
Shotty Snipers - 20 kills to win. Sniper Rifle spawns with Shotgun secondary weapon. Infinite ammo enabled. Map traits: No weapons, Mongooses only. 12 minute match time limit.
Brawl Rockets - 20 kills to win. Rocket Launcher primaries. Infinite ammo enabled. Map traits: No weapons, Mongooses only. 12 minute match time limit.
Brawl Mosh Pit - King of the Hill, 150 points to win. Assault Rifle starts. Hill Traits: Random movement every minute, players in hill have 2x Overshields and 200% Shield Recharge Rate.
12 minute match time limit.
Brawl Laser Tag - 15 kills to win. Spartan Laser starts with Sniper Rifle secondary. 12 minute match time limit.
Brawl Snipers - 15 kills to win. Sniper Rifle starts with Magnum secondary. 12 minute match time limit.
Brawl Fiesta - 25 kills to win. 2 random weapons no weapons on map.
Brawl Swords
- 25 kills to win. Only swords allowed but it does give you grenades.

Information retrieved from HaloWikia

About Me

If you haven't noticed my nickname you might think that it is a bit odd. I came up with my nickname "neek" by considering myself a nerd and a geek and i combined them together; so that is where it comes from. I'm into technology, games and a whole bunch of other things.
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